(1)Lecture series“Recent Progresses in Sportology” 10演題、さらに56題のポスター発表
1. Does the sports gene affect lifestyle-related diseases?
Noriyuki Fuku(Assoc Prof. Juntendo Univ. Graduate Sch of Health and Sports Science)
2. Current state and future directions of cardiac rehabilitation in Japan
Hiroyuki Daida(Prof. Dept of Cardiovascular Medicine, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
3. Etiology of insulin resistance in non-obese subjects. -Juntendo Sportology Center core study
Hirotaka Watada(Prof. Dept of Metabolism & Endocrinology, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
4. Sportology to prevent locomotive syndrome
Muneaki Ishijima(Assoc Prof. Dept of Medicine for Orthopaedics and Motor Organ, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
5. Mechanical Regulation and Maintenance of Homeostasis –Scientific Basis for the Health Promotion by Physical Motility and Exercise
Yasuhiro Sawada(Director, Dept of Rehabilitation for the Movement Functions, Research Institute, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities)
6. Development of a small-molecule AdipoR agonist AdipoRon as exercise mimetics
Toshimasa Yamauchi(Assoc.Prof, Dept.of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Graduate Sch of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. &Visiting Prof, Sportology Center, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
7. Autophagy in central nervous system neurons. -The LC3 conjugation system is involved in lipid droplet formation
Yasuo Uchiyama(Prof. Dept of Cellular and Molecular Neuropathology, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
8. Human brain mapping of autonomic functions
Seiki Konishi(Prof. Dept of Neurophysiology, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
9. Physical exercise and dementia
Yumiko Motoi(Assoc Prof. Dept of Diagnosis, Prevention & Treatment of Dementia, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
10. MR imaging for sportology; non-invasive visualization of the brain and muscles
Shigeki Aoki(Prof, Dept of Radiology, Juntendo Univ Graduate Sch of Medicine)
(2)Special Lecture 3題
1. Cutting edge of brain science and sportology
Yasushi Miyashita(Prof. Juntendo Univ & The Univ of Tokyo)
2. Advances in pediatric sports medicine practice in USA
Dilip R Patel (Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine)
3. Expectation for Sportology to the success of Tokyo Olympic and Paralympics 2020
Masato Mizuno (Expert member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission, Honorary member of Japanese Olympic Committee)
(3)Presidential Address by Ryuzo Kawamori
(4)Poster Presentation and Discussion
(5)Get-together Party
〒113-8421 東京都文京区本郷2-1-1
Tel.03-5802-1578 E-mail:office@international-academy-of-sportology.jp
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