International Academic Conferences on Diabetes and Global DAWN Youth Survey Presentation 2008
In early June 2008, Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) were held in San Francisco for five days. In September, Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) was held in Rome. These two conferences provide excellent opportunities to learn about global trend in diabetes studies and treatment.
![]() News page carrying an article about “ADA Annual Scientific Sessions” held in San Francisco in June and the poster of “EASD Annual Meeting” held in Rome in September |
Studies done at universities and companies, new insulin and new insulin devices presented at the conferences were all fascinating. Differences in ways of thinking between the U.S. and Europe can be also observedat these conferences. That is interesting in itself.
After I come back to Japan, I share with other doctors, information I learn at the conferences. In recent years, large-scale studies such as DCCT are presented one after another. It is not that such latest information can be applied to treatment for tomorrow right away. However, by being exposed to as new information as possible, I can throw in such information as I converse with my patients at out out-patient clinic. Feeling enthusiasm of researchers and doctors around the world who are eager to prevent diabetes, discover medicines for complications and develop wonderful insulin gives us great encouragement.
Transition in conference highlight
Atmosphere of academic conferences
When I know that there will be a sensational presentation, I arrive at a hall (usually the largest hall in the venue and so large that a speaker on the stage looks the size of a rice grain from the audience) to secure a seat with a good view of the screen. I have seen cases where those who could not secure seats waited for a presentation sitting on the floor near the stage with a grove of sound-collecting microphones set up by the press.
ADA and EASD in 2008
The first highlight of this year's ADA and EASD was one presentation after another made on the results of large-scale studies aimed to verify that the more blood glucose levels are controlled, the better the prognosis of type 2 diabetes patients will be. Those type 2 diabetes patients who were entered into these studies (the same idea as entering into clinical trials) had been diagnosed as diabetic for five to ten years already. Thus, many of them have developed complications.
A large number of such type 2 diabetes patients were studied several years after their blood glucose control was improved through oral medication or insulin treatment. The study results were split: some studies indicated that the prognosis was improved, and others showed that it was not necessarily improved. Why these different results were achieved was also presented from various angles. As of when EASD was finished in September, I feel there seems to be a consensus being formed, which is that moderate blood glucose control would probably be appropriate for those type 2 patients with long diabetes duration while rapid blood glucose control is better for those who have just developed type 2 diabetes.
The second highlight was that there were presentations made on the results of follow-up study of UKPDS that examined the relation between glycemic control and complications. This follow-up study is equivalent to EDIC study for DCCT. After UKPDS was finished, HbA1c of the intensive glycemic control group and the standard glycemic control group gradually began to show the same levels. In other words, HbA1c levels of the first group rose a little while the latter group has experiences a little improvement in HbA1c (though the number of subjects in both groups was halved.)
And ten years after the end of UKPDS, development of complications were studied. The results showed that the patients who were in the intensive glycimic control group during UKPDS were significantly less likely to develop both microvascular and macrovascular complications. It was expressed not by a term "metabolic memory" but by a term "legacy effect of improved blood glucose effect." Legacy is a wonderful word, isn't it? The study verified that if patients keep good glycemic control for ten years, they are less likely to develop complications even if HbA1c levels go up a little afterward. However, unfortunately this legacy effect was not carried over to blood pressure. Yet, this UKPDS follow-up study results were exactly same as DCCT/EDIC results, proving us with great encouragement and energy.
Global DAWN Youth survey presentation in Rome
Taking advantage of EASD conference held in Rome, the results of "Global DAWN Youth Survey" mentioned in the article No.36 were released to the world with the press from 77 countries present.
DAWN Youth survey presentation held in Rome is introduced on the following website. Novo Nordisk Pharma Ltd.
The results of DAWN Youth survey in Japan can be found on the following Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care website.
Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata
![]() 6月にサンフランシスコで開催された「米国糖尿病学会」を伝える紙面と、9月にローマで開催された「欧州糖尿病学会」のポスター |
そして、UKPDS終了後約10年してから、合併症がどうなっているかが調査されました。細かい血管合併症も大きな血管合併症も、ともにUKPDS時代の強化コントロール群の患者さんが統計的に有意に発症しにくいことがわかりました。メタボリックメモリーという言葉は使わずに、良い血糖コントロールの遺産効果(legacy effect of improved blood glucose effect)という言葉が使われました。遺産、すばらしい言葉ですね。10年間良好な血糖コントロールしておくとその後に少しHbA1cが悪くなっても合併症は発症しにくい、というわけです。残念ながら、血圧に関しては、過去の遺産は引き継がれませんでした。
日本におけるDAWN Youth調査研究の結果について、社団法人日本糖尿病協会のサイトで紹介されています。
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