Rough Road Ahead of Inhaled Insulin
I have mentioned in one of the past articles that two pharmaceutical manufacturers began clinical trials in 2007 for inhaled insulin products that have already been available in the U.S. and other overseas markets as they were finally coming into the Japanese market.
Company P gave up on the clinical trial in 2007
Company P started the clinical trial in Japan later than Company L on type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. However, in October 2007, the clinical trials by Company P conducted throughout the world were abandoned.
It was initially expected that many patients would use inhaled insulin that gives no pain, but it was not used as much as expected in the U.S.
Reasons of the unpopularity include the following: Company P's inhalation device is too big; How to use the device is complicated; Respiratory function test was made mandatory to use inhaled insulin; Smokers cannot use it; Those with poor control of asthma cannot use it. It is said that there is no problem with the safety of the inhaled insulin product itself*.
*On April 10, 2008 (April 9 in the U.S.), Company P issued a post-clinical trial warning for inhaled insulin (for all with smoking history). It is released on Company P's website in English.
Company L has given up also
Company L began preparing for clinical trial on its inhaled insulin product in Japan earlier than Company P and started the trial in Japan and Taiwan on type 1 diabetes patients.
When the trial was almost coming to an end of its six-month period and the trial on type 2 patients just began, Company L also suddenly abandoned their trials conducted globally in March 2008.
As in the case of Company P, Company L's trials also were abandoned not because of safety concerns over the inhaled insulin product. Inhaled insulin cannot be used by all patients.
There are restrictions including smoking, mandatory respiratory function test and so forth. All of these factors are likely to become a hurdle for pharmaceutical manufacturers in launching inhaled insulin product in the market as well as having impact on their cost in the end.
Hold out hope for future insulin products!
Insulin injection is not altogether bad. This is what many patients who participated in the clinical trial on inhaled insulin felt. They probably thought that insulin injection is not that bad after all compared to inhaled insulin. This is because "inhaling" is more troublesome than expected. And since you cannot inhale equally every time, its effect on blood glucose value tends to vary as well.
Contrary to expectations, which might sound a little strange, blood glucose level did surely come down with inhaled insulin. For how fast it works like super rapid-acting insulin, inhaled insulin seems to act longer than super rapid-acting insulin. Also, it seems not necessary to be concerned too much about side effects such as cough.
I believe there will be clinical trials in the future again for new inhaled insulin products.
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata
吸入インスリンの道 けわし
* | 2008年4月10日(米国では4月9日)、P社は吸入インスリン臨床試験後の警告(全員過去に喫煙歴がある)を出しました。P社のHPでリリース(英文)が公開されました。 |
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