Continue Insulin Treatment for 50 Years
This year, two persons received the award. Ms. Nicole Johnson, Miss America of 1999 was present at the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
5th Lilly for Life 50-Year Insulin Award winners:
Mr. Kudo (right) and Ms. Nakamura (left)
What is the Lilly for Life 50-Year Insulin Award?
This is an award with a history of about thirty years in the U.S. to recognize diabetes patients who have been on insulin treatment for more
than fifty years. The well-known Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, U.S. established such award in 1970, and this award by Lilly was modeled
after the Joslin award.
According to the brochure about the award, approximately fifteen hundred patients including one Japanese have received the award abroad,
mainly in the U.S. In Japan, applications for the award were solicited for the first time back in 2003, and this year marked the fifth anniversary of the award. The recipients are presented with a special sterling-silver medal with their names engraved.
There is also "Lilly for Life 75-Year Insulin Award"abroad given to those who have been on insulin treatment for long seventy-five years.
How many patients have received the award?
Many of you may know already how many patients have been given the award so far as the number has been announced in the monthly journal "Sakae" published by the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care (JADEC). Three in the first year, three in the second year, two in the third year, three in the fourth year and two patients this year (fifth year) were presented with the award. [Out of these recipients, four of them (one in the first, second, fourth and fifth year respectively) are patients of the Tokyo Women's Medical University Diabetes Center as of the award ceremony].
And the articles form the first through fourth year already published in the journal "Sakae" will be issued respectively as separate volume. They will include priceless stories of the award recipients with messages of congratulations from Dr. Seino, chairperson of JADEC, the recipients' doctors and other doctors present at the ceremony. I cannot wait to read them.
It is about time for childhood-onset diabetes patients
There will soon be someone from those of you with childhood-onset diabetes who will receive this award, or there may have been one already. I know some patients who have been on insulin treatment for over fifty years but are reluctant to be brought into the spotlight to receive such award. I understand that and do not want to force them, but I encourage those of you who are willing, to apply for the award.
It is impressive enough to continue receiving insulin treatment for as many as fifty years regardless of having complications or not.
At JDS 50-year anniversary symposium
2007 was a memorable year also for another reason. The Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) marked its 50th anniversary. On November 11th, an international symposium was held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the JDS.
Dr. King of Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, U.S. who came to Japan to attend the symposium said, "At the Joslin Diabetes Center, there are over two hundred and fifty patients who have been on insulin treatment for more than fifty years."
Just as expected of the U.S., that is really impressive.
- Tokyo Women's Medial University Young Seminar
"Sharing pleasant time with Miss America Lecture by Nicole Johnson"Date & Time: Monday, November 26, 2007
Venue: Yayoi Memorial Auditorium at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Tokyo Women's Medical University Diabetes Center Seminar
"Sharing pleasant time with Nicole-san"Date & Time: Sunday, December 19, 1999
Venue: Rinsho Auditorium I・II at Tokyo Women's Medical University
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata
みなさん、インスリン治療を50年続けた方に賞が贈られる制度があることをご存知ですか。去る11月27日に、リリー インスリン50年賞の第5回目の受賞式が東京でありました。本年は2名の方が受賞されました。
本年の授賞式には、1999年ミスアメリカのニコール ジョンソンさんもかけつけ、お祝いのスピーチをされました。
東京女子医科大学ヤングセミナー 東京女子医科大学ヤングセミナー
会場 東京女子医科大学 弥生記念講堂
ミス・アメリカとの楽しいひととき Nicole Johnson講演
会場 東京女子医科大学 臨床講堂1・2
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