Insulin for Life(IFL)オーストラリア
Neil Donelan
南米エクアドルで糖尿病患者さんを支援するFundacion Vivir Con Diabetes(FUVIDA、代表:アラセリー・バスルト・カルデロン医師)では、糖尿病に関する治療や合併症予防などについて、適切な知識をもってもらうことを目的に、毎年糖尿病のキャンプを開催しています。
» エクアドルの糖尿病キャンプ「Fundación Vivir con Diabetes(FUVIDA)」発足の経緯
FUVIDA糖尿病サマーキャンプ「Doluces Amigos 2011B」より |
キャンプ参加者全員が乗馬、カヌー、サイクリング、水泳、Tシャツへのペインティング、ウォーキング、牧場訪問といったイベントを楽しみました。 ROCHEからは、新製品のデモンストレーションが行われました。
カナダのカティア・シャノンさんは自身も1型糖尿病患者で、昨年からFUVIDAの糖尿病キャンプに参加しています。 カティアさんのお父さんであるダン・シャノン氏は、カナダ国内で様々なドキュメンタリーフィルムを製作しており、今回、FUVIDAの糖尿病キャンプの記録映画を製作するために、カティアさんの弟アンソニーさんとともにこのキャンプに参加しました。
Fundacion Vivir con Diabetes(FUVIDA)(エクアドル)
Report of FUVIDA No.1
Neil Donalan(Insulin for life Australia)
FUVIDA Campamento in Vinces, Ecuador 27th – 31st July 2011 sponsored with funding from ROCHE, and IDAF of Japan
Aracely Basurto Calderon was the convenor of the camp, and is the founder and President of FUVIDA (Fundacion Aprendiendo a Vivir Con Diabetes) situated in Guayaquil, Ecuador.At the Camp
At the same place the first camp was held in March 2011, this camp was also, held, near the town of Vinces approx. 2 hour’s drive North of Guayaquil in Ecuador, at the resort of Parque el Senor de los Caballos, Canton 1.5 klms from Vinces.
Eighty people were in attendance.The children and parents were from poor families and the ages of the children ranged from 3 years old to 17 years old.The Documentary Makers
As stipulated by Insulin for Life the camp was to cater for different children from all parts of Ecuador, and at the camp 10 children from Quito who had never experienced a camp before were invited.
In the past for them to attend a camp would have meant a 10 hour bus journey through the treacherous Andes mountains, however because money was available in the budget to cover aeroplane travel this meant the children only needed to spend 35 minutes in travel time.
Most had never been on an airplane before, so it was very exciting for them. Because of the funding received children from 20 cities and 10 provinces were able to attend.
As at the first camp the children were divided into 8 groups according to their age, and 4 monitors were assigned to each group. It was the responsibility of the monitors who were made up of nurses, doctors, trained diabetes educators, and medical students to teach the parents and the children how to look after themselves and their child in the treatment of diabetes.
Blood testing was done every two hours during the day, and every 4 hours during the night. Again Insulin for Life Australia donated insulin, test strips, glucose meters, lancets, lancet devices, pen needles, syringes, cool packs and glucose tablets to cover the needs of the camp and some beyond that.
A host of activities such as horsing riding, canoeing, bicycling, swimming, T-shirt painting, walking and a visit to a dairy farm were enjoyed by all who took part in the camp.
Friendships and social networking for all ages proved to be good relationship skill building.
The younger children who had not socialised with older children or had anything to do with foreigners such as the Canadians, Americans, Japanese, and myself, an Australian warmed to our friendship, and bonds of trust we forged during those days.
ROCHE again sent a representative who gave a demonstration of the latest products available to help those people suffering with diabetes.
The parents were also instructed in the value and importance of nutrition for their child’s needs to give then a healthy sustainable life without complications in their life with diabetes.
Dan Shannon, his daughter Katia and son Anthony from Canadian attended the camp.After the Camp
Katia is a type 1 diabetes sufferer who is making a film of her own story of diabetes for a worldwide audience and is including the experiences of the camp to help other young people throughout the world to see the reality of diabetes in a country that needs so much.
Dan is hoping to have his film ready for release in a number of languages in time for world diabetes day 14th November.
On Monday 1st August the day after the camp it was decided to visit the some of the homes of the children who attended the camp.
The Barrios or the regions where these children lived were in the most poverty and crime stricken areas of Guayaquil. We travelled in a mini bus, 9 of us, 2 Americans, 2 Canadians, 4 Ecuadorians, and 1 Australian.
Katia and Anthony the Canadians were making a documentary film and thought it would be good to get some film footage of how these type 1 diabetes children survived in their home environment on a daily basis.
Travelling in these areas is dangerous and Aracely had to enlist the support of the local police to escort our vehicle to each home. A squad car with 3 armed officers accompanied us till our visits were over.
I was surprised that the children and parents were all very happy to see us and made us most welcome and thankful for our visit.
Many of these families prefer the children to go to camp because they get a variety of good foods to eat, foods that are not available to them in the barrios, because they cannot afford to buy them.
The camp also provides a safe environment for their child to learn and experience the correct way of dealing with diabetes, families could never afford to pay for their child to attend a camp because they are extremely poor. FUVIDA channels the resources that IFL donate, the children return home from the camp with a good supply of insulin and other diabetes needs which gives the parents peace of mind, because of their economic situation.