Vaibhav Patilさん
Vaibhav PatilさんインドのDream Trust理事長のSharad Pendsey先生より、国際糖尿病支援基金を通じてご支援しているVaibhav Patilさん(1型糖尿病)の近況を知らせる手紙が送られてきました。
三角 政子 様
ムンバイの大学の通信受講コースで、エンジニアリング修士課程の2 学期まで終了し、総合成績は60点でした。現在3学期目の試験を受け、4学期目を目指しています。
ドリームトラストでは、昨年の「Academic merit during vibrant Youth day celebrations held last year」の祝賀会で、イギリスの「ペンデセイトラスト」創設者であるルーシー・レイコック氏から表彰されました。その時の写真を送ります。
Dear Ms. Masako Mikado,
Warm greetings from Nagpur, India!
I am grateful for your fine and comprehensive support to Dream Trust in realizing its goal , aims and objectives.
Vaibhav is doing well;
He takes insulin 4 times daily.
His weight is 56 kgs.
His height is 171 cms.
He has completed 2 semesters with an aggregate percentage of 60% in his Master of Engineering course (Satellite communication stream)at Mumbai .
He has written his final 3rd semester exams and pursuing his 4th semester.
Dream Trust awarded him for his academic merit during vibrant Youth day celebrations held last year in the presence of chief Guest Ms. Lucy Laycock, U.K.
Here is his photograph with his medal from Ms. Lucy Laycock, U.K., Founder, Pendsey Trust.
He visits clinic periodically for the collection of Insulin and syringes.
Sharad Pendsey