Ishika Wanjariさん
Ishika Wanjari さんインドのDream Trust理事長のSharad Pendsey先生より、国際糖尿病支援基金を通じてご支援しているIshika Wanjari さん(1型糖尿病)の近況を知らせる手紙が送られてきました。
髙倉 祐子 様
Dear Ms Yuko Takakura,
Warm greetings from Nagpur, India!
I am grateful for your fine and comprehensive support to Dream Trust in realizing its goal, aims and objectives.
Ishika Wanjari
• Ishika is doing well;
• She takes insulin 3 times daily.
• Her weight is 37kgs. Her height is 144cm.
• She scored 91% in 5th standard.
• Now she is awaiting for the result of 6th class.
• She has 2 sisters.
• Her father has a small Pan shop selling (Betel leaf) and other related items.
• Dream Trust has given her Education scholarship of Rs. 4000/- for 6th standard as well as Glucometer. & Bicycle.
• Here is her photograph.
• She visits clinic periodically for the collection of Insulin and syringes.
• Dream Trust has provided her travel grant every time to enable her to collect insulin from Dream trust.
Sharad Pendsey