Bhumi Kambleさん
Bhumi KambleさんインドのDream Trust理事長のSharad Pendsey先生より、国際糖尿病支援基金を通じてご支援しているBhumi Kambleさん(1型糖尿病)の近況を知らせる手紙が送られてきました。
南 昌江 先生
Dear.Dr. Masae Minami,
Warm greetings from Nagpur, India!
I am grateful for your fine and comprehensive support to Dream Trust in realizing its goal , aims and objectives.
Bhumi is doing well;
She takes insulin 3 times daily.
Her weight is 52 kgs.
Her height is 160 cms.
She is pursuing her 6th semester in computer science at a polytechnic in Yavatmal. She had secured 84% in her second year exams. (2 semesters over)
She is going to write her exams for 6th semester in this month of March 2016.
Dream Trust has provided her educational scholarship also for this academic year. After completing polytechnic in computer science, she will go for Bachelor of engineering (3 year course).
Here is her photograph.
She visits clinic periodically for the collection of Insulin and syringes.
Dream Trust has provided her travel grant every time to enable her to collect insulin from Dream trust.
Sharad Pendsey