

Type 1 Diabetes NOW

28 IDF Youth Charter Completed

As I have written in the past articles (14, 19), Unite for Diabetes campaign led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) mainly aims to increase global awareness of diabetes, to achieve greater recognition of the human, social and economic burden of diabetes, to position diabetes as a health priority among a number of health issues, to implement more effective strategies to prevent diabetes complications, to implement public-health strategies for the prevention of complications, and to recognize "diabetes among particular needs groups" and implement strategies for them.

IDF Youth Charter digest version

The Global Burden of Youth Diabetes:
Perspectives and Potential
A summary of the "Diabetes Youth Charter" publication project
Full text can be downloaded from Novo Nordisk Pharma website.

Pediatric Diabetes 8 (Supple 8), 2007 (cover)

World Diabetes Day official poster

For "diabetes among particular needs groups", five groups: children/young people (youth), pregnant women, the elderly, migrant populationsand indigenous peoples have been addressed as I wrote in one of the past articles. A charter development committee was formed for each group, and each committee was instructed by IDF to develop a charter on guidelines as to the importance of the group and how the preventionand treatment for the group should be.

I am one of the six members of the youth charter development committee. We have had committee meetings several times last year duringinternational academic conferences in order to develop the charter. The charter has been approved by IDF and is now complete. (Published in Pediatric Diabetes 8 (Supple 8); 4-44, 2007)

The incidence of diabetes is rising dramatically in children/youth. Though people may think they know about diabetes, there is actually a big gap between the reality and what they know. It is needed to give due consideration to psychosocial background of diabetes. Work towards optimizing measures for diabetes that vary from county to county.
Support for developing nations. Diabetes in youth does have a large impact on a country's economy. These are the issues spelled out in thecharter.

In fact, the digest version of the charter has been completed already. It is written in English and is currently being translated into Japanese in a rush to be in time for November 14th. Once the translation is complete, I will have the full text viewable online. (It will be after November 14th.)

Now, do you remember what day November 14th is? It is World Diabetes Day officially recognized by the United Nations.
Please visit the website for World Diabetes Day for details.((http://www.wddj.jp/ or http://www.worlddiabetesday.org/).

I hear that various activities for World Diabetes Day are being arranged right now in Japan led by the Japan Diabetes Society and the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care.
One of them is that the Tokyo Tower will be lit up in blue as a part of IDF-led Unite for Diabetes campaign. That will be exciting!

Do you know that landmarks around the world will be lit up in blue also? Those volunteering to participate in the light-up include the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany (home ground for the soccer team, Bayern), the Empire State Building and Niagara Falls in New York, the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Sydney Opera House in Australia and the Obelisk in Buenos Aires.

More and more landmarks will probably participate in the light-up including the London Eye (Ferris wheel) and Jet d'Eau, a large, famous fountain in Geneva.
I have heard recently that the Matsue Castle and Ofuna Kannon statue will be also lit up in blue.

It sounds wonderful! World-famous monuments will be all blue on World Diabetes Day!!!

the global burden of youth diabetes: perspectives and potential. A summary of the Diabetes Youth Charter publication project(International Diabetes Federation)
Some excerpts

©2007 Yasuko Uchigata


 以前から何度もこのコーナーで書きました(1419)国際糖尿病連合(IDF)のUnite for Diabetesキャンペーンですが、糖尿病への世界的認識の向上、糖尿病の人道的、社会的、経済的負担についての認識、糖尿病が健康問題のなかでも優先的にとりあげられること、合併症阻止にもっと効果的戦略を、合併症阻止に向けての公衆衛生的戦略を、そして「特殊なグループの糖尿病」に対する理解と戦略、がこのキャンペーンの主な方針です。
青少年(ユース)憲章 ダイジェスト版

「糖尿病に関する青少年憲章(Diabetes Youth Charter)」発表プロジェクト概要
全文をノボ ノルディスク ファーマのサイトからダウンロードできます。

Pediatric Diabetes 8 (Supple 8), 2007(表紙)

世界糖尿病デー 公式ポスター


 私は、青少年憲章策定委員会の委員6人のひとりで、昨年数回国際学会に付随して開かれた委員会で憲章策定に向けてミーテイングを重ねてきましが、この度IDFの承認も受け完成の運びとなりました(Pediatric Diabetes 8 (Supple 8); 4-44, 2007 に掲載)。



 11月14日は、さて、なんの日だったでしょうか。これもすでに書きましたように、国連も認めた世界糖尿病デー(World Diabetes Day)ですね。世界糖尿病デーのサイト(http://www.worlddiabetesday.org/)をみてください。

 そのひとつは、IDFの Unite for Diabetesキャンペーンの一環として、東京タワーがブルーにライトアップされることです。楽しみですね。



the global burden of youth diabetes: perspectives and potential
A summary of the Diabetes Youth Charter publication project
(International Diabetes Federation)

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