

42 My Family’s Concern for Me Is Rather Annoying

Type 1 Diabetes NOW

“I can now accept to some extent that I have developed type 1 (or type 2) diabetes, but I don’t like my family trying to be awkwardly nice to me.”
I often hear this kind of remarks from my patients. Have you had similar experience?

My family is awkwardly distant towards me
“In the past, when I did something wrong, my parents scolded me harshly. However, that has stopped ever since I developed diabetes. I feel they have become awkwardly distant towards me.” This is a very sad thing for children, sad enough to bring them to tears.
“My child has developed a difficult disease and will be having a tough time. He has to inject insulin every day. I cannot help saying some kind words to her.” This is probably how parents feel. I totally understand their feelings.
Even so, I think they are just responding honestly to what they themselves feel, that is “My child must be suffering, so I want to be nice to her.”
This means that they are not responding to what their children wish.
I would like to ask those mothers who have children with diabetes what they think.
They probably have objections.
Children want to get scolded by their mothers deep down when they do something wrong. Getting scolded is a way for them to reaffirm that they are so precious to their mothers. Had they not been so precious, their mothers might turn blind eyes even when they do something wrong.
“I did something that was worth getting scolded, but my mother did not scold me like she used to. For some reason, she only warned me gently instead. Maybe I am not precious to her anymore?” This is how children would feel and have a gnawing suspicion.

Nurses at hospital say kind words only to me, which I don’t actually like
“How come do nurses say kind words only to me? Am I such a weak child?” This is how children would feel.
Nurses may show an attitude on the surface that they understand patients, but that does no good to patients. It actually gives them odd pressure. Patients make out inwardly that they are not truly understood.

When I went down to living room, parents were trying to hide something
“It seems that they were about to eat something, but they quickly tried to hide it as I went into the room.”
Just one event like this could damage trust between parents and children. Children feel they are not cherished by their parents and feel lonely.
We feel saddest when we are ignored, do we not? When something like this happens, we end up feeling “I don’t care what happens to me.”

No concern needed, just want to be treated normally
“I have diabetes. That’s enough. I can take care of myself. I don’t want to bother my parents.” If parents ask them “Are you ok? Are you ok?” too much, they would think “It’s annoying. Leave me alone” even if they understand parents’ feelings.
Just treat me normally. This is what children really want. They do not want parents to worry about them too much.
A child in any age wants father to be always healthy and work energetically and mother to be always cheerful. This is what they want from them. “I am working so hard for you.” This kind of attitude of parents, I think, will actually work negatively.

©2008 Yasuko Uchigata



 しかってくれていたお母さんが、昔はしかられたようなことをしでかしたのにもかかわらず、以前みたいにしかってくれなくなって、なぜかやさしく注意するだけになってしまったとなると、自分の存在はお母さんの大切なものでなくなったのかも? と疑心暗鬼な気持ちに陥ってしまうのです。
 なぜ、自分だけに、看護師さんは、猫なで声で声をかけてくれるのだろうか。そんなに自分は弱い子なのかしら? そんな気持ちになってしまいます。
 糖尿病をもっている自分で十分だ、自分で自分のことはする、親には迷惑をかけたくない、そう思っているところに、大丈夫? 大丈夫? と必要以上に声をかけてくれたりされると、親の気持ちはわかっていても、「うるさーい。ほっておいてほしい」と思うものです。

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