

Not Convinced of SMBG Results

Type 1 Diabetes NOW As diabetes patients do SMBG testing, there are times when they find the results making sense but there are also times when the results do not seem to make sense. Have you not had such experience?

Blood glucose measured at hospital or clinic and self-measured value show difference
When patients have their blood glucose measured at hospital with blood taken from the veins of the arm, they may also measure it with their SMBG device using finger prick blood sample. If the two results show difference, patients may feel uneasy and wonder whether their SMBG device could be broken. Where does this difference in results come from?

SMBG devices can be classified into two types
There are two types of SMBG device: one type converts blood glucose value measured from finger prick blood sample to venous blood glucose value as measured at hospital and the other type simply gives blood glucose value measured from finger prick blood sample as is. If a patient with the first type of device happens to compare blood sugar level with another patient who has the second type of device, their values would show difference.
Then, if venous blood is used, would SMBG device and a large blood glucose measuring device used at hospital give the same value? The answer is no. SMBG device shows lower value than the device used at hospital.

Even blood glucose values at fingertip and in elbow venous blood may differ
If blood sample is taken both from fingertip and veins in the elbow, and measured with a large device at hospital, the two values would be different. Strictly speaking, there is time lag between blood glucose values at fingertip and in elbow venous blood.

Measurement errors of devices may also be a factor for discrepancy in values
Measurement errors of SMBG devices are bigger than those of large blood glucose meter devices used at hospitals. (In many cases, large devices at hospitals are calibrated everyday by technicians so that they give accurate values. If there are multiple devices, they are calibrated so as not to cause measurement errors among them.)

SMBG value would not match the level I sensed
As patients use SMBG device everyday, they start to be able to get the results close to what they approximately estimate such as “around 150”, “a little below 200” or “slightly over 300”. Other than abnormally low or high blood glucose levels, actual values will be almost the same as expected.

I thought I had hypoglycemia
However, there are cases where patients feel they have hypoglycemia, measure their blood glucose and find out they are not hypoglycemic at all. Why does this happen? It is because it is not the blood in the fingertip transmitting hypoglycemic signal to the brain. It is the brain that senses blood sugar level.
When blood glucose level suddenly drops, there are cases where blood with low glucose has not reached fingertip even if the brain already senses hypoglycemia. Yet, this would not happen unless blood sugar level “abruptly drops”.

What is true blood glucose value?
In a case like the one mentioned above, which is true blood glucose level? I think that blood glucose level sensed by one’s brain is true. Hypoglycemic condition is actually occurring in the brain.
I suggest you value what you felt or sensed about your blood glucose level. For example, you thought you would have high blood glucose level, measured it and found out that the level was not high. In this case, instead of being convinced that your blood glucose level is not high, I suggest you value your sense that led you to think you have high blood sugar level and ponder why you thought you would have high blood glucose.
For example, there may be cases where you measured your blood glucose believing that the level would be low, but the level was not low. However, when you measured it repeatedly, the level began to go down gradually. This kind of case could actually happen.

In order to make appropriate use of SMBG
In taking measures for hypoglycemia, if we regard blood glucose level sensed by the brain as true blood glucose level, it is probably better to treat SMBG results as reference.
You should place importance on what you sense, feel and estimate, and measure your blood glucose while predicting approximate value in you mind. When the actual result differs greatly from your estimate, you should think why. Please also remember that it may take time for the blood glucose level measured from finger prick blood sample to catch up with true level in the case of sudden hypoglycemia.
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata








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