Time Required for Blood Glucose to Fall Following Insulin Injection

As I see outpatients, I have realized that many patients believe insulin works immediately after it is injected.
In this article, let us think how insulin administered under the skin at a certain location starts working throughout the body.
Naturally, the time required for short-acting insulin to act is as short as about five minutes.
In this article, I am going to touch on regular or short-acting insulin.
Is insulin in insulin formulation human insulin?
Is insulin in regular insulin product the same as human insulin? You may have never thought about it, but the answer is yes. It is the same as human insulin.
However, while human insulin exists as a single molecule in the blood, insulin in insulin formulation contained in a vial, cartridge or pen is a complex of six molecules even though it is human insulin product. It is because insulin molecules become stable when six molecules assemble together. This complex of six molecules is called a hexamer. And when a molecule exists as a single molecule, it is called a monomer.
What about human insulin in secretory granule right before its secretion by pancreatic beta cells? It is a hexamer.
Short-acting insulin is not human insulin, but it is formulation in the form of hexamers. Regular and short-acting insulin could be considered the same in that both are insulin products with six molecules assembled together.
What will happen when regular insulin is injected under the skin?

Regular insulin in the form of hexamers, when injected under the skin, becomes diluted in "intercellular fluid" that exists between cells. When insulin formulation of "1mL=100 units" is diluted more than ten thousandfold, hexamers start turning into dimers and then into monomers, that is a single molecule. Insulin concentration in insulin products is approximately 100,000 to 10 million times (105〜107times) more than that in the blood. Once insulin becomes dimers or monomers, they can enter into the blood vessels. Insulin in the form of monomers gradually penetrates into capillary blood under the skin.
Then insulin gradually flows through large blood vessels, from great veins via the heart to every peripheral vessel throughout the body, reaching every cell of the entire body. It is only after insulin enters cells that insulin action, lowering blood glucose, occurs.
In the case of regular insulin, it takes about 30 minutes for insulin action to occur.
What will happen when short-acting insulin is injected under the skin?
Short-acting insulin needs shorter time in the process from hexamers turning into monomers, and it is not the same as human insulin. It is "mock human insulin" meaning that it is similar to human insulin but it is not similar to human insulin in some ways.
Humalog? that became available at the end of August 2001 in Japan is insulin formulation in the form of hexamers. When diluted, it turns straight into monomers instead of dimers, and thus it requires shorter time to enter capillary blood vessels.
Rapid? became available in December 2001 in Japan. Although it is an insulin product, it contains mock hexamer insulin and turns into monomers immediately after diluted. Because of that nature, it can easily enter capillary vessels.
When regular insulin is injected intravenously
If you have a sick day and go to a hospital, you will have your blood glucose, urine or blood ketone body measured. You are obviously hyperglycemic and need to lower blood glucose fast.
In such a case, insulin is injected directly into blood vessels. In most cases, regular insulin with 10mL or 100 mL of physiological saline solution added is administered by constant intravenous infusion.
When insulin is injected directly into the vein, it turns immediately into monomers. Therefore, insulin action takes place immediately.
Insulin does not "take effect" immediately after injection
You now understand that insulin does not work throughout the body immediately following an injection. It goes through every step before it reaches the entire body and starts taking effect.
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata


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