Dishing Up Food On Large Plates....

Everyone is putting on weight
Lately, the young, the middle-aged and the senior seem to be all gaining weight. On the other hand, I see a lot of young slender ladies. However, when I carefully observed young ladies walking on a main street during the summer, paying attention to their bellies, I realized the area around their navel plumping out. They look slender on the surface, but they do have excess fat on their bellies.
In general, Japanese people are becoming a little fatter.
Some people go on an extreme diet, sometimes obsessively, and that is another problem.
Speaking of diabetes patients, they often find it difficult to produce good results in weight control even if they are eating while paying attention to the disease. It may actually be rare that they can achieve good weight control.
Even with nutritional guidance
Diabetes patients, whether type 1 or 2 learn about energy content of diet, daily calorie intake for the average Japanese, and food high in carbohydrate, protein or fat. Then, an appropriate daily calorie intake is determined for each patient, and patients learn from nutritionists about how to consume a meal that matches the set calories.
Of course, diet therapy that is hard even for nutritionists to follow would not work. (Patients will not be able to follow such diet therapy.) Patients start with what they can do. Though nutritionists teach them what to eat and how much in a single meal, it is often difficult for them to put it into practice.
Nutritional guidance not producing desirable results
I often wonder why some patients do not do well on diet therapy whereas others do well. It is not that those not doing well are following a very strict diet or that they are not motivated.

Serving single portions on small plates for each family member
In some families, food is dished up on large plates and laid out on a dining table. It is certainly easier to use large plates because each family member needs only two other small plates or so to take his/her food, leaving not too many dishes to wash.
However, if you take food from large plates, you will never know how much you have actually eaten even if you have learned well from your nutritionist how much to eat per meal. You will lose track of the amount once you start eating since you take your food from large plates. On the other hand, if your single portions of food are served on small plates from the beginning, you will then know how much you ate. You will also be less likely to eat too much.
This was how Japanese people use to eat. I wonder since when this style of serving food on large plates for share started.
This style has been actually practiced by many of those having difficulty in making progress on diet therapy. Some of them did actually say, "Serving food on large plates seems to be the cause."
Let us try to go back to the way we used to eat - serving single portions on small plates.
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata

もちろん、栄養士さん自身もできそうもないような食事療法ではこまります(栄養士さんもできそうでない食事療法をいわれたら、それはできませんね)。できそうなレベルから実践していくことになります。 1回の食事で、なにをこのくらい、と教えてもらうのですが、やはりなかなかできないことが多いですね。

しかし、これでは、自分がどのくらい食べたか、一向にわからないのですね。栄養士さんにしっかりこのくらいの量よ、と習っても、食べ始めたら、わからなくなってしまいます。原因は大皿にありそうです。 食卓のひとりひとりに、小皿や小鉢におかずを盛りつけていただく、この形式のほうが、どれくらい食べたか、よくわかります。食べ過ぎることも、おきにくいと思います。
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