21 Hypoglycemic symptoms do change
Those of you on insulin must have experienced hypoglycemia at least once. Some of you may say, “I have had it so many times that I am sick of it.”
Recent report on hypoglycemia
There has been a paper published recently which states that even if patients often develop low blood glucose, low enough for them to sense that they have hypoglycemia, it would not affect their intelligence or cognitive function. In other words, hypoglycemia, unless it is extreme (i.e. hypoglycemia caused by injecting a large amount of insulin on purpose) and also frequent, would not harm human health.
This time, let us to think about hypoglycemic symptoms.
Hypoglycemic symptoms
What type of symptoms do you experience when you have hypoglycemia?
Palpitation, sweaty hands, irritation, strong feeling of hunger and so forth are what are generally explained in textbooks as hypoglycemic symptoms.
You probably remember being taught when you started insulin injection that these are symptoms of hypoglycemia. You must have actually experienced palpitation, irritation, daze and lack of clear thinking when you were hypoglycemic.
Two types of hypoglycemic symptoms
Hypoglycemic symptoms can be mainly classified into two types: “autonomic symptoms” and “central nervous system symptoms.”
“Autonomic symptoms” are typified by irritation and palpitation. These symptoms manifest themselves as the body, reacting to hypoglycemia, secretes a large amount of insulin antagonistic hormone. When we are extremely excited, angry or nervous, our heart flutters. Hormone secreted in a large amount in such cases is the same as insulin antagonistic hormone.
Do you still remember? Insulin antagonistic hormone functions opposite to insulin, which means it works to raise blood glucose levels.
Therefore, “autonomic symptoms” in hypoglycemia are symptoms that try to elevate blood glucose levels in response to hypoglycemia. And such symptoms are signs to show that blood glucose is starting to rise. In other words, “autonomic symptoms” are symptoms caused by the action of hormone that tries to raise blood glucose levels.
“Central nervous system symptoms” include daze, lack of clear thinking, difficulty in reading characters and odd behavior.
Hypoglycemic symptoms for patients who are beginners and who have been on insulin for years
Are hypoglycemic symptoms different between those who have just started insulin therapy and those who have been on insulin for years? Do some of you not feel that hypoglycemic symptoms you experience have changed recently?
That is normal. It seems that symptoms do change depending on the number of years on insulin treatment.
When you are a beginner, you experience textbook symptoms such as excessive sweating, palpitation, irritation and so on.
However, if you have been on insulin with good glycemic control for seven to eight years, you are less likely to exhibit such symptoms. My patients also tell me often that they do not have much sweating or palpitation any more.
On the other hand, some patients sense hypoglycemia as they have a harder time telling time. Someone engaged in accounting work has more difficult time reading characters, or some other person engaged in technical drawing finds it difficult to draw a straight line. They say they can sense hypoglycemia when experiencing such events.
Other symptoms include thirst and urge to urinate, similar to hyperglycemic symptoms. (It is possible to distinguish this thirst from the one due to hyperglycemia as this happens before meals.)
Also, some patients do not realize they have hypoglycemia until others point out they look pale. Even if patients do not notice themselves, people around them often notice earlier than they do by their complexion.
Try to catch signs of asymptomatic hypoglycemia by complexion
Many of those who develop asymptomatic hypoglycemia seem to end up falling unconscious because they cannot catch signs of hypoglycemia, which are precursory symptoms and also hypoglycemia symptoms. If they are able to catch such signs, many of them would not develop hypoglycemia.
In these cases too, their pale complexion is sometimes noticed first by others. Then, it may be a good idea to place a small mirror on a desk or some other place and to sometimes look in the mirror and more frequently if possible.
Let’s build up the habit of looking in the mirror especially about an hour before meal.
If something like this contributes to relieving asymptomatic hypoglycemia even a little, that will be nice.
Think over your hypoglycemic symptoms
If you happen to develop hypoglycemia, let’s think over your conditions as far back as some hours before you fell hypoglycemic.
Let’s try to ponder if there was any sign. You may unexpectedly recall some kind of symptoms.
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata

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