

20 Pay Attention to Juvenile-onset Type 2 Diabetes Also

Type 1 Diabetes NOW

We ask type 1 diabetes patients to receive insulin therapy, of course, but often ask type 2 diabetes patients also to be treated with insulin.

Why is insulin treatment sometime needed for type 2 diabetes?
People with type 2 diabetes can basically secrete more than a little insulin from the pancreas.
However, some young people with type 2 diabetes have not this ability enough to secrete insulin. Although they do not suddenly become ill as their onset of diabetes is not as dramatic as the onset of type 1 diabetes, their insufficient insulin secretion leads to fatigue, high blood glucose and HbA1c before they know it.
And although insulin is still secreted, it is better to receive insulin treatment since they are in growing years (which means that they have to fight with insulin-antagonistic hormones to normalize their blood glucose levels). The longer hyperglycemic stress to the pancreas lasts, the faster the pancreas gets damaged.

When people with type 2 diabetes abruptly developed hyperglycemia
Meanwhile, there are young type 2 diabetes patients with hyperglycemia due to obese diathesis. Even though they have enough insulin secreted in the pancreas, hyperglycemia still puts a great strain on the pancreas every day. Therefore, it is better to reduce the amount of food intake and relieve that strain as quickly as possible.
Yet, some people, lacking such knowledge, may develop extreme hyperglycemia by consuming a large amount of sugar at one time. In such a case, they are often treated with insulin early to remove the strain as soon as possible.

Diversification of treatment for juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes
Not all type 2 diabetes patients are treated with insulin. The basics of treatment are diet and exercise. (Learning the meaning of exercise. Taking a walk or taking the stairs is all good.) If these basics are ignored, any other treatment such as oral drugs and insulin will end up in a failure. The failure here means developing complications.

Paying attention to juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes patients
Today, the number of type 2 diabetes patients accounts for a half of diabetes patients in their 10's, and the number is gradually starting to overwhelm the number of type 1 patients. It is a drastic change from the past.
While social support such as summer camps is available for patients with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes, there is almost no such support for patients with childhood-onset type 2 diabetes.

What is next?
Those with childhood-onset type 2 diabetes may feel that obesity is their own problem and that they just have to solve it by themselves. However, skills and experience type 1 patients have gained from insulin therapy as well as from diet and lifestyle management are very important also for patients with juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes. Therefore, I sense that the day will come when we ask type 1 diabetes patients for their support as we treat patients with juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes.
I started a fact-finding survey on juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes on a nationwide scale at the end of last year. It is a campaign to have those doctors interested in diabetes also care about juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes and work together. As a next step, I am considering the possibility of some kind of opportunities for exchanges and cooperation between patients with type 1 and juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes.
I hope their aspirations for making their lives better regardless of the type of diabetes will make a difference to Japanese society in this age of declining birthrate.

©2007 Yasuko Uchigata



 昨年末から、全国規模で若年発症2型糖尿病の実態調査を開始しました。糖尿病に関心ある先生方に、若年発症2型糖尿病にも関心をもってもらい、そして一緒にやっていこうという運動であります。  私はその次の段階として、1型糖尿病の方たちと若年2型糖尿病の方たちのなにか交流や連携ができないかなと考えたりしています。
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