19Unite for Diabetes Part 2
Type 1 Diabetes NOW
The aims of Unite for Diabetes campaign are to raise the issue of diabetes to the United Nations so that countries around the world will proactively take measures for diabetes prevention and treatment realizing that "Diabetes can be a silent killer if left unattended"and to have the U.N. officialy designate November 14th as "World Diabetes Day", which has been regarded as such only among those involved in diabetes. (By the way,November 14th is the birthday of Dr. Banting who discovered insulin.)
In order to make this campaign successful, International Diabetes Federation (IDF)serving as the driving force for the campaign,diabetes societies and associations that belong to IDF in each country and pharmaceutical companies with diabetes products were quick to express their support for the campaign. The number of organizations and countries in favor of the campaign increased gradually after that. Signature campaign
Also, signature campaign to ask for support from individuals for the campaign has begun on the Internet. Please access unite for diabetes signature site (http://petition.unitefordiabetes.org/form.php) to offer your support.
Congratulations on the passing of the UN resolution World Diabetes Congress organized by IDF held in Cape Town, South Africa in December last year was literally all about this campaign and accelerated the campaign further.
It was these efforts that seemed to have borne fruit. On December 20th, only about ten days after the congress, the UN did adopt a resolution to designate November 14th as World Diabetes Day.
This is a great accomplishment in the long history of diabetes prevention and treatment and for diabetes patients around the globe. The resolution is nothing else but a powerful message sent by the UN, umbrella organization for countries around the world, supporting this campaign and calling for each nation to "take solid action for diabetes." What is UN resolution?
A UN resolution is the most powerful statement of a decision the UN makes. Therefore, in order for a UN resolution to be adopted, it has to be approved by most member states.
Unlike countries like Japan with strong economies, developing nations barely have economic power, and on top of that they are facing an explosive increase in the number of diabetes patients, which is sure to keep growing. They are bound to experience decline of workforce and furthermore may go bankrupt. Under these circumstances, many developing countries probably wondered what they should do, but pondered seriously and made a decision "to stave off the growing diabetes population and complications arising from diabetes by all means whatever circumstances they may be under," which was recognized by the UN and led to the adoption of the resolution.
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata
Unite for Diabetes その2
Unite for Diabetesキャンペーンとは、「糖尿病という病気を放置すればサイレントキラーとなること」をしっかりと世界各国が認識し、糖尿病の予防や治療に対して世界各国がこぞって前向きに対策してくれるよう、国連まで話をもっていき、さらに現在糖尿病関係者の中で「世界糖尿病デー」と決めている11月14日を、国連公認の「世界糖尿病デー」として決定してもらおうというキャンペーンです(ちなみに、11月14日というのは、インスリンを発見したバンティング博士の誕生日です)。
Unite for Diabetes / 糖尿病と妊娠(大森安恵先生)
What is Unite for Diabetes campaign?
I wrote about Unite for Diabetes on this website in September 2006(http://www.dm-net.co.jp/ichigata/e014/).
![]() unite for diabetes website ![]() unite for diabetes signature site ![]() |
In order to make this campaign successful, International Diabetes Federation (IDF)serving as the driving force for the campaign,diabetes societies and associations that belong to IDF in each country and pharmaceutical companies with diabetes products were quick to express their support for the campaign. The number of organizations and countries in favor of the campaign increased gradually after that. Signature campaign
Also, signature campaign to ask for support from individuals for the campaign has begun on the Internet. Please access unite for diabetes signature site (http://petition.unitefordiabetes.org/form.php) to offer your support.
Congratulations on the passing of the UN resolution World Diabetes Congress organized by IDF held in Cape Town, South Africa in December last year was literally all about this campaign and accelerated the campaign further.
It was these efforts that seemed to have borne fruit. On December 20th, only about ten days after the congress, the UN did adopt a resolution to designate November 14th as World Diabetes Day.
This is a great accomplishment in the long history of diabetes prevention and treatment and for diabetes patients around the globe. The resolution is nothing else but a powerful message sent by the UN, umbrella organization for countries around the world, supporting this campaign and calling for each nation to "take solid action for diabetes." What is UN resolution?
A UN resolution is the most powerful statement of a decision the UN makes. Therefore, in order for a UN resolution to be adopted, it has to be approved by most member states.
Unlike countries like Japan with strong economies, developing nations barely have economic power, and on top of that they are facing an explosive increase in the number of diabetes patients, which is sure to keep growing. They are bound to experience decline of workforce and furthermore may go bankrupt. Under these circumstances, many developing countries probably wondered what they should do, but pondered seriously and made a decision "to stave off the growing diabetes population and complications arising from diabetes by all means whatever circumstances they may be under," which was recognized by the UN and led to the adoption of the resolution.
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata
Unite for Diabetes その2
Unite for Diabetesキャンペーンとは
昨年9月のこのコーナーで、Unite for Diabetesのお話をしました。![]() unite for diabetes ホームページ ![]() unite for diabetesの署名サイト ![]() この請願書の署名について・・・ 私は国際連合の加盟国に、深刻な糖尿病と、世界中での糖尿病の蔓延に対策するための、国連決議を支持するよう願います。
祝 国連決議!!
国連決議(UN resolution)、これは国連の決定方法のなかでももっとも重いものです。このため国連決議が採択されるためには国連に属しているほとんどの国の賛成が必要となります。日本のように経済力のある国はまだしも、発展途上国などは国の経済もままならないうえに糖尿病患者さんの爆発的な増加があり、今後も爆発的に増加していくことがわかっています。労働人口の低下は目にみえています。さらに国が破綻していく可能性が大きいでしょう。よって、どうしようかと迷っている発展途上国も多かったと考えられるのですが、「事情はどうであれ今の糖尿病人口をくい止める、糖尿病からくる合併症をくい止める、これしかない」と発展途上国各国が真剣に考えて決断を下し、そして国連もそれを評価しサポートするという決議になったといえま
このキャンペーンの中心的人物はIDF会長シリンク教授です。昨年6月ごろからUnite for Diabetesキャンペーンがはじまり、現在、IDF憲章作成ワーキングメンバーが草案作りを進めていますが、このなかに大森安恵東京女子医科大学名誉教授、糖尿病センター前所長が「糖尿病と妊娠」、内潟が「小児、ヤング糖尿病」にメンバーとして参加しています。実は当初、2007年11月14日までに国連決議を!!という目標で行なっていました。しかし、うれしいことに昨年12月20日に国連決議が急きょ成就したのです。これには多くの発展途上国がこのキャンペーンに賛同してくれたことが大きな力になったそうです。
Unite for Diabetes / 糖尿病と妊娠(大森安恵先生)
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