18Why do you do SMBG testing?
Type 1 Diabetes NOW
"Since I do SMBG testing, I have been able to maintain good HbA1c levels (at least not more than 7.0%). Unless I do SMBG, I cannot keep good HbA1c levels." Doesn't anyone think this way? Or "When I started doing SMBG testing, I was thrilled to measure my blood glucose with fresh mind and tried to bring the level down. But as I kept doing it for a long time, I began to think that it will not affect me right away even if my blood sugar level is a little high, and now I do SMBG by mere force of habit." Don't you have such experience? Hypoglycemia is sensed by the brain (centers)
I may have written something like the following in the past articles. "I felt I had hypoglycemia and measured my blood glucose, but the level was not low." "Though I thought I had hyperglycemia, blood glucose value was not that high when I measured it." Have you had such experience? I will ask those of you who answered "yes". Have you thought that measurement values are accurate while your ability to sense hypoglycemic symptoms is not dependable? If so, you may think "I seem to sense low or high blood glucose levels erroneously, so I cannot get a grasp of my own glucose levels without SMBG testing." Or you may tell your doctor, "I do not understand anymore what hypoglycemia symptoms are." "I have hypoglycemic symptoms, but my blood glucose level was not low when I measured it, so what I sensed as hypoglycemic symptoms were different from actual hypoglycemia." There is a real problem in thinking this way. Is it really true that you did not have hypoglycemia just because the measured value was not low? You may actually have had hypoglycemia. That is, the measured value may not have been low since it was measured from finger prick blood sample, and your brain may have really sensed hypoglycemic symptoms. There may be a time lag with blood glucose at fingertip
"I measured my blood glucose level sensing that I had hypoglycemia, but I did not. Then, when I measured again minutes later, my blood glucose level had become lower." Have you ever had such experience? When blood glucose values suddenly drop, blood glucose at fingertip cannot catch up with low blood glucose in the brain. Hypoglycemia is actually occurring, but blood glucose measured at fingertip does not show it. In other words, people sense hypoglycemia with the brain, not with blood glucose at fingertip. I tell my patients "If you sensed you had hypoglycemia, you did have hypoglycemia regardless of what SMBG results showed. Please record it as hypoglycemia." The same applies for hyperglycemia. I ask my patients to keep a record as hyperglycemia if they sensed they had hyperglycemia no matter what SMBG results indicated. This also means I would like them to be honest with themselves. Hypoglycemic symptoms change as patients live with diabetes longerHypoglycemic symptoms themselves often change. It will not be too much to say that hypoglycemic conditions experienced shortly after starting insulin injections are different from those in five or ten years. I will touch on this issue some other time. What drove you to measure your blood glucose, and what happened?
There is nothing wrong with measuring blood glucose levels. It is ok to do so. What is important is "why you thought you should measure your blood glucose." "My diet was different than usual." "Today, I ate at a different time." "I increased insulin dosage by two units for the last meal thinking I had high blood glucose level, so I wanted to check if the adjustment was right." There could be various reasons like these, and these are what really matter. Instead of automatically measuring blood glucose when getting up in the morning or before going to bed, it is better if you have specific reasons to test such as "I increased insulin dosage for supper, so I am wondering how it has impacted my blood glucose level" and "Because I was very busy today, I am worried if my blood glucose level might drop during the night." If you keep doing this, you will be able to accumulate these reasons (causes) and answers (results) as your own experience.
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata
新年にあたって、なぜ血糖自己測定をするのか、あらためて考えてみたいと思います。インスリン治療しているから、かならず血糖自己測定しなければならないという理由はありません。 ならば、なぜ毎日、決まった時間に血糖測定しているのでしょうか。毎日する必要があるのか、決まった時間にする必要があるのか、1年の初めに、もう一度、頭をひねってみましょう。。
As the new year starts, let us think once again why diabetes patients do SMBG testing. Even if patients are on insulin, it does not necessarily give them reasons to do SMBG testing. Then, why do they measure blood glucose levels everyday at a set time? Does it have to be measured every day? Does it have to be measured at a set time? Let us mull over these points once again.
Is SBMG all-rounder?"Since I do SMBG testing, I have been able to maintain good HbA1c levels (at least not more than 7.0%). Unless I do SMBG, I cannot keep good HbA1c levels." Doesn't anyone think this way? Or "When I started doing SMBG testing, I was thrilled to measure my blood glucose with fresh mind and tried to bring the level down. But as I kept doing it for a long time, I began to think that it will not affect me right away even if my blood sugar level is a little high, and now I do SMBG by mere force of habit." Don't you have such experience? Hypoglycemia is sensed by the brain (centers)
I may have written something like the following in the past articles. "I felt I had hypoglycemia and measured my blood glucose, but the level was not low." "Though I thought I had hyperglycemia, blood glucose value was not that high when I measured it." Have you had such experience? I will ask those of you who answered "yes". Have you thought that measurement values are accurate while your ability to sense hypoglycemic symptoms is not dependable? If so, you may think "I seem to sense low or high blood glucose levels erroneously, so I cannot get a grasp of my own glucose levels without SMBG testing." Or you may tell your doctor, "I do not understand anymore what hypoglycemia symptoms are." "I have hypoglycemic symptoms, but my blood glucose level was not low when I measured it, so what I sensed as hypoglycemic symptoms were different from actual hypoglycemia." There is a real problem in thinking this way. Is it really true that you did not have hypoglycemia just because the measured value was not low? You may actually have had hypoglycemia. That is, the measured value may not have been low since it was measured from finger prick blood sample, and your brain may have really sensed hypoglycemic symptoms. There may be a time lag with blood glucose at fingertip
"I measured my blood glucose level sensing that I had hypoglycemia, but I did not. Then, when I measured again minutes later, my blood glucose level had become lower." Have you ever had such experience? When blood glucose values suddenly drop, blood glucose at fingertip cannot catch up with low blood glucose in the brain. Hypoglycemia is actually occurring, but blood glucose measured at fingertip does not show it. In other words, people sense hypoglycemia with the brain, not with blood glucose at fingertip. I tell my patients "If you sensed you had hypoglycemia, you did have hypoglycemia regardless of what SMBG results showed. Please record it as hypoglycemia." The same applies for hyperglycemia. I ask my patients to keep a record as hyperglycemia if they sensed they had hyperglycemia no matter what SMBG results indicated. This also means I would like them to be honest with themselves. Hypoglycemic symptoms change as patients live with diabetes longerHypoglycemic symptoms themselves often change. It will not be too much to say that hypoglycemic conditions experienced shortly after starting insulin injections are different from those in five or ten years. I will touch on this issue some other time. What drove you to measure your blood glucose, and what happened?
There is nothing wrong with measuring blood glucose levels. It is ok to do so. What is important is "why you thought you should measure your blood glucose." "My diet was different than usual." "Today, I ate at a different time." "I increased insulin dosage by two units for the last meal thinking I had high blood glucose level, so I wanted to check if the adjustment was right." There could be various reasons like these, and these are what really matter. Instead of automatically measuring blood glucose when getting up in the morning or before going to bed, it is better if you have specific reasons to test such as "I increased insulin dosage for supper, so I am wondering how it has impacted my blood glucose level" and "Because I was very busy today, I am worried if my blood glucose level might drop during the night." If you keep doing this, you will be able to accumulate these reasons (causes) and answers (results) as your own experience.
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata
新年にあたって、なぜ血糖自己測定をするのか、あらためて考えてみたいと思います。インスリン治療しているから、かならず血糖自己測定しなければならないという理由はありません。 ならば、なぜ毎日、決まった時間に血糖測定しているのでしょうか。毎日する必要があるのか、決まった時間にする必要があるのか、1年の初めに、もう一度、頭をひねってみましょう。。
ここで本当に問題なのは「低血糖症状があるのに、測定したら値が低くなかったので、この感じ方は低血糖とは違うのだ」と思ってしまうことです。測定した値が低くなかったからといって、低血糖ではない? もしかして、これは低血糖だったかもしれませんよ。つまり、指先の血液で測定したら低くないというだけであり、ほんとうに「自分の頭の脳は低血糖症状だと感じていたかもしれない」のです。
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