9.Inhaled Insulin
On January 27, 2006, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA: Government organization that gives approval for food and drug products for their launch. Food and drug products need FDA’s approval before they can be sold in the U.S.) approved Exubera, inhaled insulin for which Pfizer Inc., major global pharmaceutical manufacturer had spent many years to develop. This means that the company was given an approval to move towards launching the product. It does not mean that the product will be launched right after the approval.
“Do I not have to inject insulin any more?” This is probably what patients thought with much expectation upon hearing the news. We have patients visiting our outpatient clinic for the first time hoping to use inhaled insulin right away.
I commented on this topic in the April edition of “Sakae,” monthly journal published by the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care, which many of you may have read already. “Sakae” reacts to the latest news on diabetes such as this topic and provides information to patients with diabetes in a timely manner. I would suggest that you take this opportunity to subscribe to the journal. (Please visit the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care website for the details of “Sakae” http://www.nittokyo.or.jp/)
Inhaled insulin is designed to have insulin inhaled from lung cells. Surprisingly enough, the surface area of one person’s lung cells is said to cover an area about the size of a tennis court. Just thinking about the area makes one think that a lot of insulin could be inhaled through lung cells.
There are some points to keep in mind about inhaled insulin. First of all, inhaled insulin is the same type of insulin as regular or short-acting insulin. It does not substitute for long-acting insulin (such as N or Lantus), which still needs to be injected into the body.
Secondly, with inhaled insulin, the insulin dose cannot be adjusted in steps of .5 or 1 unit. The smallest dose available is 3 units, and the next available dose is 6, 8, 11 units and so forth. In the future, it will probably become possible to adjust the dose in steps of 1 unit, but currently it is not yet possible.
Third point is that smokers or those who have smoked in the last six months cannot use inhaled insulin because lung cell membranes of such people are susceptible to inhaling more insulin. (It may be easy to understand if you imagine that cell membranes that absorb insulin have holes in them.) It means that when such patients inhale 3 units of insulin, 6 units worth of insulin could actually enter into the bloodstream.
The fourth point is that clinical trials (research study conducted based upon informed consent of patients to determine whether new drugs or treatments are safe and effective) in the U.S. have reported that inhaled insulin has a not very favorable impact on lung function. No matter how fine insulin particles are, they are, after all, foreign substances for lung cells.
The fifth point is that anti-insulin antibody was observed in clinical trials though it does not seem to interfere with treatment in particular.
The sixth point is that those with respiratory disease such as asthma would require larger amount of inhaled insulin as lung cell membranes of such patients do not absorb insulin well.
The seventh point is that inhaled insulin in the first place requires a large amount of insulin since only about ten percent of inhaled insulin actually gets absorbed through lung cell membranes.
Lastly, many cases of side effects such as coughing, difficulty in breathing and phlegm have been observed in clinical trials.
Clinical trials for inhaled insulin have not been conducted yet in children and adolescent patients with diabetes or diabetic patients with kidney or liver disorder. Such clinical trials would have to be carried out.
©2006 Yasuko Uchigata
日本糖尿病協会月刊誌「さかえ」4月号に、このことについて解説を載せましたので、もう読みになった方も多いことと思います。「さかえ」はこのように、ニュースに敏感に反応して糖尿病の皆さんにできるだけ早い情報をお伝えしようという皆さんの月刊誌ですので、この機会に講読してみてはどうでしょう(日本糖尿病協会のホームページ に「さかえ」が詳しく紹介されています)。
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