

7.Do you know fulminant type 1 diabetes ?

Type 1 Diabetes NOW

No one really knows yet what exactly causes type 1 diabetes. What we know is that it is a disease that destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas starting at some point in life.

It is said that autoimmune mechanism causes the destruction of the insulin-producing cells. The cells that control your immunity (such as lymphocytes) start destroying your own insulin-producing cells in the pancreas though no one knows exactly why this happens. As a result, the insulin levels in the blood starts dropping, and if you become absolutely insulin deficient, you are in the state of diabetic ketoacidosis, a condition for which diabetics end up being taken to a hospital.

With type 2 diabetes, the blood sugar levels rise gradually from some point in life to lead to hyperglycemic state. And you begin to have symptoms of diabetes or diabetic complications, go to a doctor and are diagnosed as "having diabetes." Therefore, you would not even know since when the blood sugar levels started climbing up unless you have a medical checkup on a regular basis.

I mentioned in one of the past articles that "not all diabetes in children/adolescents is type 1." And of course, "not all adult-onset diabetes is type2" either. Children could develop type 2 diabetes, and type 1 diabetes could be found in adults also.

Now, I would like to talk about fulminant type 1 diabetes.

As its name indicates, fulminant type 1 diabetes is a rapid onset of type 1 diabetes.
Here, "rapid" means less than a week. The following is based on a report by the Committee of the Japan Diabetes Society on Research on Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes.

Normally, child-onset type 1 diabetes does not develop in less than a week. If your child was developing type 1 diabetes, you would remember your child showing hyperglycemic symptoms for a few months such as sluggishness, frequent fluid intake and constant tiredness. In some cases, such conditions could last for six months before the onset. On the other hand, fulminant type 1 diabetes is characterized by an abrupt onset. This means someone who got a good result on a thorough medical checkup this week could be visiting the hospital next week feeling faint from hyperglycemia (abnormal hyperglycemic levels in most cases).
Since the duration between the appearance of symptoms and the onset of ketoacidosis is short, HbA1c levels of fulminant type 1 diabetics measured at onset are not high, between 6.0 and 7.9 % in most cases. In other words, you became hyperglycemic so rapidly that the rise in HbA1c levels has not caught up with the speed. (HbA1c levels go up only after hyperglycemic condition continues for one to two months.)

When I ask fulminant type 1 diabetes patients how long they have been feeling not well, what they tell me is "about one week to ten days." Thirst is what they experience the most followed by flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat and cough. The next most common symptoms they experience are abdominal symptoms including vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. And severe ketoacidosis also causes them unconsciousness. In short, fluminant type 1 diabetics present violent symptoms at onset. When such patients come to the hospital, we become fully occupied for a few days and need hands of many doctors to treat them.

Does fulminant type 1 diabetes develop in children? No, it is rarely seen in children. It is normally found in adults aged 20 or over. There are even cases where those in their 60s or 70s who had been healthy abruptly developed the disease.

Fulminant type 1 diabetes accounts for approximately 20% of all children and adults, who develop type 1 diabetes accompanied by diabetic ketoacidosis.

Insulin injection is the main treatment for patients with fluminant type 1 diabetes. Unlike adolescent-onset type 1 diabetics who may still have some insulin secretion in the body, fluminant type 1 diabetes patients no longer have insulin in the body because their insulin-producing cells are destroyed almost completely in a short time. It is, therefore, necessary to treat them carefully with insulin injection while closely monitoring their blood glucose levels.

You now know that type 1 diabetes does actually have various subtypes.
©2006 Yasuko Uchigata












 劇症1型糖尿病の患者さんは、小児期にも発症するのでしょうか? いえ、小児期に発症するのはとても珍しく、通常は20歳以上の大人に多いのです。これまで健康であった60歳、70歳の方が急に発症してしまったという例もあります。



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