国際糖尿病支援基金 トップページへ メールマガジン無料登録


 南米エクアドルで小児糖尿病患者さんを支援する活動をしているFUVIDA(Fundacion Aprendiendo a Vivir con Diabetes)はサマーキャンプを毎年開催しています。2008年のキャンプに参加した男の子の物語。

サマーキャンプに参加して得られるもの―ジョエル モレノさんの物語

Joel Morenoさん
ジョエル モレノさんは13歳。6ヵ月前に1型糖尿病と診断されました。



Joven de 13 años con el diagnóstico de diabetes desde hace 6 meses, sufrió la pérdida de su salud, reacio aceptar su diabetes, enojado con la vida, con sus padres, con sus amigos, solo renegaba de su nueva condición de vida,
dejó la escuela, las tardes de fútbol, los amigos, las fiesta solo se limitaba a las 4 paredes de su dormitorio se negaba a tener contactos con chicos que tuvieran diabetes, no quería inyectarse, hacerse controles de glicemias, ni saber de la fundación, un afiche del campamento su madre lo coloco en su puerta el cual Joel dijo ¡no quiero nada saca eso de hay! es decir no quería nada donde se hablará de diabetes, con una hemoglobina glicosilada antes del campamento de 10,6%.

Fué invitado al campamento, aceptó ir con nosotros y dentro de el campamento se sentía que no era el único con esa condición, hablaba con sus amigos, dormía con sus compañeros, compartía las mismas actividades, las comidas, los paseos, la playa, en fin fue entrando a un mundo de realidad de aceptación.

Las vivencias compartidas en el campamento hicieron de Joel un joven que quiere vivir, que cuida de su diabetes, que esta pendiente de su dosis de insulina, de sus controles de glucosa, comparte con los amigos de la fundación y realiza actividades cada semana con el grupo, baila y sonríe, sus padres están felices y lo apoyan, al regresar del campamento a su casa fue en busca del afiche que no dejo poner en su puerta que sus hermanas lo habían roto, el cual Joel reclamo con insistencia ¡eso era mío porque lo dejaste dañar!, exclamo a su madre. Ahora ha mejorado mucho su salud y su hemoglobina glicosilada es de 8,6%.

Ha regresado al colegio, y participa del fútbol con sus amigos del barrio, Joel ha vuelto ha recuperar su autoestima y sus ganas de vivir.

The Story of Joel Moreno

This is a short story about a 13 year old boy that was diagnosed with diabetes 6 months ago. Since being diagnosed with diabetes his health has deteriorated and he has become angry with his life and at his family and friends. He denied his condition, left school, his football, his friends and his parties, limiting himself to the four walls of his bedroom. He refused to have any contact with boys who had diabetes; he refused to have his injections, nor control his glucose levels, nor take any interest in the diabetic community. His mother put a poster about the camp on his bedroom door and he said “I don’t want anything to do with that, take it down!” it is fair enough to say he didn’t want to talk about anything to do with diabetes before he went on the camp his glycaemic level was 10.6%

He was invited to attend our camp which he accepted and inside the camp he realized he was not the only person with this condition. During the camp he made friends with children with his condition that he slept, ate, and enjoyed activities with in the parks and beaches and entered into a world of acceptance.

During his time at the camp, Joel became a young boy who wants to live, to look after his condition, follows his insulin doses and controls his glucose levels. He shares with his friends from the foundation and participates in activities each week as a group, smiling and dancing. His parents are happier and they help him. When he returned to his house from the camp he went to look for the camp poster which he didn’t want on his door and found out that his sister had ruined it, and was furious, exclaimed his mother. Now his health is much better and his hemoglobin glycaemic levels are now 8.6%
He has returned to school and is back in his football team with his neighborhood friends. Joel has recovered his self esteem and his quality of life.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children with diabetes, it is the only occasion all year in which just children with diabetes can come to camp Sweet Friends. (DuIces Amigos)

  • これまでに寄せられた寄付金
  • これまでに実行した支援金



  Insulin for Life

  Fundacion Vivir con Diabetes

  Diabetes Kenya Lifeline
