Adarsh Ganesh Bhangeさん
Adarsh Ganesh BhangeさんインドのDream Trust理事長のSharad Pendsey先生より、国際糖尿病支援基金を通じてご支援しているAdarsh Ganesh Bhangeさん(1型糖尿病)の近況を知らせる手紙が送られてきました。
福島 徹也先生
インドのナグプールより心を込めてご挨拶申し上げます。 ドリームトラストの掲げる理念と目的に共感していただき、多大なるご支援を賜り感謝申し上げます。
Dear Dr.Tesuya Fukushima,
Greetings from Nagpur, India!
I am grateful for your fine and comprehensive support to Dream Trust in realizing its goal , aims and objectives.
Adarsh is doing well.
He takes insulin 3 times daily. His weight is 48kgs. His height is 172cms.
Already,he has successfully completed Diploma in Agriculture.
He is pursuing his final year in Bachelor of Arts.
2nd year score was 61%.His college timings are from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
He is preparing himself for the competitive examination for the post of postman/Talathi(Land Revenue Inspector) in government sector.
Dream Trust has provided him educational grant for the past 4 years for his college education.
Here is his photograph.
He visits clinic periodically for the collection of Insulin and syringes.
Dream Trust also provided him travel grant enabling him to collect insulin from the clinic on all his visits.
Sharad Pendsey