36Pediatric Diabetes Committee, Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care
Type 1 Diabetes NOW
I mentioned in the 6th article of this series about the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care (JADEC). In this article, I would like to touch on "Pediatric Diabetes Committee," one of the committees of the association. And I, as one of the committee members, would like to introduce to you what kind of activities this committee has been carrying out for children/adolescents with diabetes.
Do you know "Sakae," monthly journal published by JADEC?
For those of you who do not know about JADEC or "Sakae," I would encourage you to read the 6th article of this series and also visit JADEC website.
I would also recommend subscribing to "Sakae." Every issue of this journal is filled with the latest information on diabetes and what we would like you to know about diabetes. It covers topics on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It has a circulation of more than 80,000 every month and read by patients across the country.
When I ask new patients visiting our hospital if they are familiar with JADEC or "Sakae," the majority of them answer, "I don't know. What is it?"
Some of you may think that you do not need to read such journal since you are seeing a doctor every month. However, it will not be possible for your doctor to tell you everything about diabetes in a short amount of time your doctor has with you. You will probably find much information in "Sakae" that you did not know. If you read it, you may have access to new information even before your doctor.
Do you know pediatric diabetes summer camps?
JADEC oversees summer camps for children with diabetes held across the nation, and it is actually "Pediatric Diabetes Committee," a committee under JADEC that does overall management of the camps. Such summer camps are subsidized by JADEC and Nippon Foundation.
May edition of "Sakae" has information on what kind of summer camps are held and where they are held. Regardless of where you live, you can participate in any camp. For example, a child living in Tokyo can attend a summer camp in Fukuoka where the child's mother is from.
In parallel with the Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society held in Tokyo in May, the General Meeting of the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care was held as it has been in the past. This year, a meeting of summer camp organizers from across the county was held for the first time. The purpose was to give the organizers of summer camps sponsored by JADEC to learn from each other and share the contents of the camps, what they struggle, what is going well and so forth.
Summer Camp Conference held on May 24 was attended by about 100 people from 36 groups, 25 of which exhibited the contents of their camps using posters.
Do you know "Young Conference"?
Do you know Young Conference held every summer or fall? Those of you who read "Sakae" would know it for sure.
The objective of this conference is to provide the latest information on diabetes and opportunity to interact with each other for those who used to attend summer camps and those who developed diabetes during adolescence. This conference is also sponsored by JADEC. Including the time when the conference used to be held as "Young Seminar" or "National Pediatric Diabetes Jamboree," the conference has quite a long history.
This year's conference, which is the 7th as Young Conference, will be held in Nagoya City, Aichi on the 1st and 2nd of November. About 800 people are expected to attend the conference.
What kind of research for Japanese children/adolescents with diabetes is going on under the sponsorship of JADEC?
Although educational activities on diabetes are the central core of JADEC activities, JADEC also focuses on research studies. As an entrusted research related to diabetes in children/adolescents, "DAWN Youth/Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Research" targeting patients under 25 years old was started last year. Many of you may have taken part in the research already.
The research is conducted in cooperation with World Diabetes Foundation, International Diabetes Federation and International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, under the auspices of the Japan Diabetes Society.
The purpose of the research is to find out how diabetes impacts young patients with diabetes around the world and people around them. By illustrating through the research issues and burden they face daily and problems they encounter in their life because of having diabetes, we wish to make efforts to reduce such problems and burden as much as possible.
A part of the research results has been posted on the JADEC website*. I would encourage you to take a look. Since the research is made possible with the support of people like you, the results are disclosed in detail on the website. The results of the research will constitute important information to be used when JADEC works on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for further diabetes care or when Japan sends out messages about diabetes care to the world.
In the evening of May 23rd, a session on the research findings was held at a hotel in Tokyo. We will be able to report the details at a later date. I felt strongly how important it is to provide information well before complaining that people would not understand diabetes in young people. That is what I realized through exchanging views with the press in the session.
Since the beginning of 2008, "DAWN Youth/Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Research" began to investigate how health care professionals care for children/adolescents with diabetes.
As this effort shows, JADEC and Pediatric Diabetes Committee conduct research with the support of everyone as well as educational activities such as lectures, and through these efforts, we hope to keep improving health care in Japan and send it out to the world with confidence.
Related web page link
"IDF Diabetes Youth Charter completed"
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata
5月23日の夕方、このDAWN Youth (ドーンユース) 鈴木財団調査結果報告会が都内のホテルで行われました。詳細は後日報告できると思います。世間は若い方の糖尿病について理解してくれないと言う前に、きちんと情報を提供することがいかに大切であるかということ、これを痛感いたしました。記者の皆さんとの意見交換から、そのようなことを感じました。
Do you know "Sakae," monthly journal published by JADEC?
Monthly Diabetes Life "Sakae"![]()
This monthly journal tells you everything about diabetes.
Edited/Published by Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care (http://www.nittokyo.or.jp/) The one above is Jan. 2008 edition (Vol.48 No.1). |
I would also recommend subscribing to "Sakae." Every issue of this journal is filled with the latest information on diabetes and what we would like you to know about diabetes. It covers topics on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It has a circulation of more than 80,000 every month and read by patients across the country.
When I ask new patients visiting our hospital if they are familiar with JADEC or "Sakae," the majority of them answer, "I don't know. What is it?"
Some of you may think that you do not need to read such journal since you are seeing a doctor every month. However, it will not be possible for your doctor to tell you everything about diabetes in a short amount of time your doctor has with you. You will probably find much information in "Sakae" that you did not know. If you read it, you may have access to new information even before your doctor.
Do you know pediatric diabetes summer camps?
JADEC oversees summer camps for children with diabetes held across the nation, and it is actually "Pediatric Diabetes Committee," a committee under JADEC that does overall management of the camps. Such summer camps are subsidized by JADEC and Nippon Foundation.
May edition of "Sakae" has information on what kind of summer camps are held and where they are held. Regardless of where you live, you can participate in any camp. For example, a child living in Tokyo can attend a summer camp in Fukuoka where the child's mother is from.
In parallel with the Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society held in Tokyo in May, the General Meeting of the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care was held as it has been in the past. This year, a meeting of summer camp organizers from across the county was held for the first time. The purpose was to give the organizers of summer camps sponsored by JADEC to learn from each other and share the contents of the camps, what they struggle, what is going well and so forth.
Summer Camp Conference held on May 24 was attended by about 100 people from 36 groups, 25 of which exhibited the contents of their camps using posters.
Do you know "Young Conference"?
Do you know Young Conference held every summer or fall? Those of you who read "Sakae" would know it for sure.
The objective of this conference is to provide the latest information on diabetes and opportunity to interact with each other for those who used to attend summer camps and those who developed diabetes during adolescence. This conference is also sponsored by JADEC. Including the time when the conference used to be held as "Young Seminar" or "National Pediatric Diabetes Jamboree," the conference has quite a long history.
This year's conference, which is the 7th as Young Conference, will be held in Nagoya City, Aichi on the 1st and 2nd of November. About 800 people are expected to attend the conference.
What kind of research for Japanese children/adolescents with diabetes is going on under the sponsorship of JADEC?
Although educational activities on diabetes are the central core of JADEC activities, JADEC also focuses on research studies. As an entrusted research related to diabetes in children/adolescents, "DAWN Youth/Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Research" targeting patients under 25 years old was started last year. Many of you may have taken part in the research already.
The research is conducted in cooperation with World Diabetes Foundation, International Diabetes Federation and International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, under the auspices of the Japan Diabetes Society.
The purpose of the research is to find out how diabetes impacts young patients with diabetes around the world and people around them. By illustrating through the research issues and burden they face daily and problems they encounter in their life because of having diabetes, we wish to make efforts to reduce such problems and burden as much as possible.
*JADEC | |
・ | Information on"DAWN Youth/Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Research" is posted on the following website"DAWN Youth/Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Research". |
・ | Information on "pediatric diabetes summer camps" is posted on the following website.http://www.nittokyo.or.jp/chousakenkyu_10001.html |
In the evening of May 23rd, a session on the research findings was held at a hotel in Tokyo. We will be able to report the details at a later date. I felt strongly how important it is to provide information well before complaining that people would not understand diabetes in young people. That is what I realized through exchanging views with the press in the session.
Since the beginning of 2008, "DAWN Youth/Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Research" began to investigate how health care professionals care for children/adolescents with diabetes.
As this effort shows, JADEC and Pediatric Diabetes Committee conduct research with the support of everyone as well as educational activities such as lectures, and through these efforts, we hope to keep improving health care in Japan and send it out to the world with confidence.
Related web page link
"IDF Diabetes Youth Charter completed"
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata

編集・発行: | 社団法人日本糖尿病協会 http://www.nittokyo.or.jp/ |
日本糖尿病協会は糖尿病の啓発活動が中心ですが、調査研究にも力をいれています。小児・ヤング糖尿病関連の受託調査研究として、25歳未満の方を対象に昨年から「ドーンユース(DAWN Youth)・鈴木(万平糖尿病学国際交流)財団調査」が行なわれています。みなさんの中には、もうこの調査に協力された方も多いでしょう。世界糖尿病財団、国際糖尿病連合、および国際小児思春期糖尿病研究会との協力、日本糖尿病学会後援のもとに実施しています。
「DAWN YOUTH・鈴木万平財団調査研究」について下記のページに掲載されています。
日糖協 小児糖尿病生活指導講習会 サマーキャンプ開催のお知らせ
「DAWN YOUTH・鈴木万平財団調査研究」について下記のページに掲載されています。
日糖協 小児糖尿病生活指導講習会 サマーキャンプ開催のお知らせ
5月23日の夕方、このDAWN Youth (ドーンユース) 鈴木財団調査結果報告会が都内のホテルで行われました。詳細は後日報告できると思います。世間は若い方の糖尿病について理解してくれないと言う前に、きちんと情報を提供することがいかに大切であるかということ、これを痛感いたしました。記者の皆さんとの意見交換から、そのようなことを感じました。
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