Side Effects of Insulin

Insulin injections are panacea for blood glucose control
With the exception of diabetes caused by insulin receptor abnormality, insulin injections can control blood glucose for any diabetes including type 1, type 2, the one caused by steroid drug and the one caused by thyroid disease.
If you cannot manage your blood glucose levels well with insulin injections, please make sure to consult well with your doctor. There must be some problems.
Do insulin injections have side effects?
When you hear that insulin injections are panacea for lowering blood glucose, you may feel reassured. However, insulin injections have side effects. What king of side effects do they have?
1. Hypoglycemia
One is hypoglycemia as you all know well. Since insulin works to lower blood glucose, it is sort of natural that it causes hypoglycemia. But hypoglycemia could be regarded as one of the side effects of insulin. It is because blood glucose levels sometimes come down to the level low enough to cause hypoglycemia even if you do not wish, which is a side effect. Post-exercise delayed hypoglycemia or asymptomatic hypoglycemia is caused by this side effect.
In rare cases, there are people who inject insulin wishing to develop hypoglycemia. It is called factitious hypoglycemia. Such patients never tell their families or doctors at clinic or hospital that they developed hypoglycemia because they injected more insulin than needed on purpose. They hide the fact.
When you are in a bad position and there is no escape, have you ever felt that it would be much easier to get sick than being in that position? It is like wanting to get sick and miss school when you found out that you have a test tomorrow for which you have forgotten to study.
Obviously, hypoglycemia in the case of factitious hypoglycemia is not a side effect.
2. Insulin Allergy
After injecting insulin, you may feel itchy and find the injection site reddened, and realize local insulin allergy occurring. It does not happen only once or twice. Every time you inject insulin, the skin around the injection site becomes itchy and reddened, and the conditions subside with passing of time. This cycle gets repeated.
If you experience these conditions, please make sure to tell your doctor. You would usually start noticing such conditions a few months after starting insulin injection or changing insulin product.
This reaction is said to be caused by the production of insulin antibody called lgE. However, this could be also caused by additives (such as preservatives) contained in insulin products.
I will touch on antibody in more detail in the next section.
3. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia caused by antibody
Unlike in the past, insulin product today is the same as human insulin. It could be treated the same as insulin that originally exists in the body. Therefore, our bodies do not usually produce antibodies to insulin products.
Antibodies are produced by the immune system when foreign objects enter the body. The antibodies produced bind foreign objects and try to eliminate them from the body.
As I mentioned above in the "insulin allergy", insulin antibodies are produced in rare cases. They are produced to any type of insulin such as regular insulin, intermediate-acting insulin and mixed insulin. The antibodies here are not lgE antibodies causing insulin allergy but lgG antibodies specific to insulin. They generally do not affect blood glucose control but at times lead to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia making blood glucose control very difficult.
I am not going to touch on why this happens,but once happens, it becomes tough to control blood glucose during the course of a day.
Recently, insulin analog products that are "mock human insulin" are often used. They are insulin products that are not human insulin.
Clinical trials conducted prior to the release of such products in Japan and abroad concluded that there were no concerns over the production of insulin antibodies. However, there are some uncertainties as to what will happen when continuing to use insulin analog for a long time (for decades).
Of course, not every single person using insulin analog products will produce insulin antibodies, so please do not worry.
It is not yet known also whether insulin antibodies are more likely to be produced by insulin analog than by human insulin.
4. Insulin lipodystrophy
It is a very difficult term, but it means changes in the skin at insulin injection sites. Swelling at injection sites is called insulin lipohypertrophy while depression at injection sites is called insulin lipoatrophy.
Insulin lipohypertrophy often develops if insulin is injected at the same site for a long time. You may often find it when you feel that insulin does not work as well as it used to or that your blood glucose goes down more than expected or is not controlled well. If you start using another site for injections, insulin will start working again.
Insulin lipoatrophy was often observed when animal insulin products used to be used, but it is still experienced by some patients. We do not find it much in Japan, but we sometimes find papers abroad that report on insulin lipoatrophy.
I recommend you carefully observe changes in your skin at insulin injection sites. You may find suppuration or pigmentation. If you find the skin at injection sites any different from other parts of your skin, please make sure to tell your doctor. Please do remember also that insulin is a powerful drug.
©2008 Yasuko Uchigata

1. 低血糖症
2. インスリンアレルギー
3. インスリン抗体による低血糖および高血糖
4. インスリンリポジストロフィー
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