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Ruchita Hemaneさん
Ruchita Hemane さん
中島加誉子 様
ルチタ ヘマエ
・インスリンと注射器を入手するために定期的に当クリニッ クに通院しており、ドリームトラストでは交通費を支給しています。
Dear Ms. Kayoko Nakajima,
Warm greetings from Nagpur, India!
I am grateful for your fine and comprehensive support to Dream Trust in realizing its goal, aims and objectives.
Ruchita Hemane
She takes insulin 3 times daily.
Her weight is 21.2kgs. Her Height is 132cm.
She is studying in Marathi medium class 5th.
Now she is enjoying her vacation.
Dream Trust has given her Glucometer as well as educational scholarship of Rs. 3000/-.
Ruchita is seen in pic.
Dream Trust provides her travel grant to enable to collect insulin from Dream trust.
Sharad Pendsey