Anil Chavanさん
Anil ChavanさんインドのDream Trust理事長のSharad Pendsey先生より、国際糖尿病支援基金を通じてご支援しているAnil Chavanさん(1型糖尿病)の近況を知らせる手紙が送られてきました。
中嶋 加誉子 様
インドのナグプールより心を込めてご挨拶申し上げます。 ドリームトラストの掲げる理念と目的に共感していただき、 多大なるご支援を賜り感謝申し上げます。
アディタヤ ソーダ ハウスのプーンにある民間企業で働いており、月収7,000ルピー(約12,000円)です。
Dear Ms Kayoko Nakajima,
Warm greetings from Nagpur, India!
I am grateful for your fine and comprehensive support to Dream Trust in realizing its goal, aims and objectives.
Anil is doing well.
He takes insulin 2 times daily.His weight is 45kgs. His height is 154cms.
He met with road accident in 2013.
He lost vision of his right eye in the accident. (Irreversible blindness, right eye)
He got married in the month of September 2014.
He is working in a private company at Pune in Aditya Soda House and earns 7000rs. salary.
He is facing financial constraints due to his inadequate monthly earnings.
He stays in rented house with his wife. Here is his photograph.
Here is his photograph.
Sharad Pendsey