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David Mbuguaさん
David Mbuguaさん
- 名前:デービッド ムブグア 君
- 年齢:6歳(2012年7月現在)
- 身長106.4?、体重16.2?
- 2011年2月(5歳推定)に1型糖尿病と診断されました。
- 1日2回(Mixtardを朝食前5単位、夕食前3単位)インスリンを注射しています。
- 2011年2月に昏睡状態となり、自宅近くのセント・マーチンズ病院に運ばれました。しかし、そこには糖尿病専門医がいないため、現在はケニアッタ・ナショナル・ホスピタル(KNH)へ通院しています。
- 現在、母親が彼の血糖測定とインスリンを注射しています。
- デービッド君はとても元気です。病院で診療を待っている間もじっとしていることができず、他の子供たちと院内を駆け回っています。
- 2013年に小学校へ入学します。
- 今まで糖尿病のことでイジメに遭ったことはありません。
- ナイロビ郊外のルエイに住んでいます。
- 毎月の家賃負担は約1,500円です。
- KNHへは2ヵ月に1度バスで通院し、片道100円かかります。(ケニア人の平均的な日当は100円〜200円です。)
- 日常の食生活は、ウガリ(トウモロコシの粉を茹でてお餅のようにしたもの)やギセリ(トウモロコシとマメを煮込んだもの)、ご飯、キャベツと玉ねぎを炒めたものを食べています。
(左)じっとしているのが大変なくらい、とても元気なデービッド君 (右)デービッド君とお母さん |
Diabetes Kenya Lifeline(JAMBO!)
Name:David Mbuguai
Personal Data
- Age:6years old(2012.7)
- Height:106.4cm weight:16.2kg
- He takes insulin 2times daily Before breakfast 5units , before supper 3units. Both are mixtard.
- He has been diagnosed T1 diabetes February 2011.
- He was in coma because of ketoasidosis and was taken to St.Martins Hospital. Now he goes to KNH because there are no pediatricians who are familiar with diabetes and his blood sugar level was not good.
- Now he has his mother take insulin shot and measure blood sugar twice a day.
- Davis is doing well. He is so fine that he is missing somewhere to play with other kids at the waiting room at the hospital while I am interviewed with his mother.
Educational Details
- He goes to nursery.
- He will go to primary school this coming new year.
- He has never been bullied because of his diabetes.
Family Details
- His mother is a vegetable seller.
- He has two elder sisters 15 and 8 respectively and one elder brother 10.
- His mother’s monthly income is 5000Ksh averagely.
- When he was diagnosed as type1 diabetes his father abandoned his family, because he felt really heavy burden to pay his diabetes care cost.
- They have to pay house expense 1500Ksh monthly.
- They live in Ruay in Kangudo, suburban area of Nairobi.
- They come to hospital by matatu and transportation cost is 100ksh one way.
- They eat ugali,githeli, beans ,rice and cabbage with onion.
Message from him
I have been very stressful whenever I have thought of his diabetes and our lives since his father abandoned us.
However, I feel relieved to be supported financially. Thank you for your kindness.
Here is her photograph.
Diabetes Kenya Lifeline(JAMBO!)