

Brochure on Q&A about Diabetes and Pregnancy Has Been Completed

Type 1 Diabetes NOW

Q&A on Diabetes and Pregnancy

Edited/Published by: The Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy
Supported by: Eli Lilly Japan
The Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy has produced a brochure “Q&A about Diabetes and Pregnancy.” On the last page of this brochure, there is a message from Miss America 1999, Nicole Johnson.

Ms. Nicole Johnson visited Japan with her only daughter, Eva at the end of last year. During her visit, she had a talk with Dr. Yasue Omori, president emeritus of the Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy. The contents of the talk were covered in the April issue of “Monthly Diabetes Life Sakae,” which you may have read already.Thus, it was such a good timing that the Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy published this brochure.

Looking at the table of contents of the brochure
The table of contents consists of general information, points to be careful about before pregnancy, during pregnancy, during delivery and after childbirth.
When patients ask us various questions at our outpatient clinic, we do our best to answer them. However, I always wished if there were something like this brochure which puts together such questions and answers. If you read this brochure at home, you may be able to relate it to what your doctor told you or you may find the brochure to contain further details than what you heard from you doctor. You may feel like wanting to know a little more details about something written in the brochure or you may find something you do not understand.

Brochures on diabetes
Diabetes outpatient clinic is sometimes teased as 3-minute clinic (which means doctors have only three minutes they can spend with each patient). That is only possible thanks to these brochures on diabetes. Your hospital may have a library for patients or some kind of library room.

Our university hospital has a library for patients called “Karada Johokan.” It was covered by newspapers several times, so some of you may know about the library.

We asked all the pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers we deal with to place their brochures for patients in this library. There are brochures on various topics ranging from pollen allergy, atopic dermatitis to nutrition at home and wigs. I was surprised at how many diabetes-related brochures there are. A number of such companies do distribute so many diabetes-related brochures for patients.

I do not mean to say that spending only 3 minutes with each patient is good. However, thanks to these many brochures available, it is true that patients could obtain essential knowledge on diabetes from their doctors and gain further knowledge by making use of such brochures. In this respect, diabetes may be ahead of other diseases.

How to get brochures
For brochures on diabetes in children/adolescents, you can check the website of “Tokyo Women's Medical Univ. Young no kai”.

Also, you can visit the website of the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care and click “goods.”

You should also visit websites of pharmaceutical companies from their banner ads placed on the home page of “Diabetes Net.”. If you check the sites carefully, you will be sure to find something that will interest you. “Q&A about Diabetes and Pregnancy” introduced above and consisting of as many as 28 pages is one of them.

Ms. Nicole Johnson, Miss America 1999 came to Japan in November 1999 and December 2007. Her lectures held at Tokyo Women’s Medical University are posted on the Internet. Please visit the following websites for details.

Tokyo Women’s Medial University Young Seminar
Tokyo Women’s Medical University Diabetes Center Seminar “Sharing pleasant time with Miss America Lecture by Nicole Johnson”
Date & Time: Monday, November 26, 2007
Venue: Yayoi Memorial Auditorium at Tokyo Women’s Medical University

Tokyo Women’s Medical University Diabetes Center Seminar “Sharing pleasant time with Nicole-san”
Date & Time: Sunday, December 19, 1999
Venue: Rinsho Auditorium I・II at Tokyo Women’s Medical University

©2008 Yasuko Uchigata




 昨年暮れに、1999年ミスアメリカのニコール・ジョンソンさんは、ひとり娘のエバちゃんと一緒に来日されておられます。このときの、日本糖尿病・妊娠学会名誉学会長大森安恵先生との対談は、「月刊 糖尿病ライフ さかえ」4月号に掲載されました。もうみなさんもお読みになっていらっしゃることと思います。





ミス・アメリカとの楽しいひととき Nicole Johnson講演
日時 2007年11月26日(月)
会場 東京女子医科大学 弥生記念講堂

日時 1999年12月19日(日)
会場 東京女子医科大学 臨床講堂1・2
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